Weed Hook up in Mexico City, Mexico

Weed Hook up in Mexico City

Explore the Top Cannabis Vacation Destinations from Friendlystoners. Mexico City has rapidly evolved into a bustling urban hub, emerging as a major global financial center. The city is actively revitalizing its parks and public spaces, and its cultural and culinary scenes are flourishing. For travelers looking to enhance their experience, marijuana can add an extra layer of enjoyment to their trip. This is a comprehensive guide to hook up with weed in Mexico City, Mexico.

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Cannabis laws in Mexico

In Mexico, drug-related issues have been a significant concern, prompting recent efforts for more permissive legislation, including the potential legalization of cannabis. Such a move is anticipated to bring economic benefits and aid in combating criminal cartels. Presently, marijuana remains illegal. However, the possession of small amounts of cannabis for personal use is decriminalized, resulting in, at most, a recommendation to participate in a recovery program, which is not mandatory. Any quantity under 5 grams of marijuana is considered a minor amount. Explorer more tips from Friendlystoners how to hook up with weed in Mexico.

Even though carrying a small amount of marijuana is unlikely to lead to legal trouble, it’s advisable to exercise caution.

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Where to Buy Weed in Mexico:

In the heart of the city, you’ll discover a bustling street market known as Coyoacan, located in the main square. Here, numerous vendors offer a variety of goods, including clothing, souvenirs, pipes, and other items. If you’re looking for cannabis, you might consider approaching sellers who offer pipes, grinders, and related accessories. Alternatively, you can explore Zona Rosa and Amberes Street, where many individuals offer small quantities of marijuana. Another option for purchasing cannabis is Xochimilco. To find it, inquire about the little church, or ask people for directions to Embarcadero de Belem. You’ll often find individuals selling decent-quality cannabis at reasonable prices in the vicinity of the chapel.

It’s worth noting that as a tourist, you might be quoted higher prices than locals, but don’t hesitate to negotiate. Typically, you can anticipate paying anywhere from $15 to $30 USD for approximately 30 grams of cannabis, depending on your source and location. While it has been rumored that you might acquire up to a pound for $100 USD, it’s advisable not to rely on this unless you have a local contact and can communicate in the native language.

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One comment

  1. I was here for a long time and after so many failed attempts at getting WEED, the valet at my hotel introduced me to Zig. He sells the best quality WEED around here . You can reach him at ( zig420roll@gmail.com ) and he will get you the best quality without any hassle . Thanks to him , we are having the time of our lives here.

    Get some good THC weed from Zig and thank me later.


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