Weed Hook up in Bogota, Colombia

Weed Hook up in Bogota

For the culturally curious tourist, Bogota, the capital of Colombia, offers a vibrant starting point with its diverse heritage and captivating architecture. Adding marijuana to your Bogota experience might enhance it, but what are the local laws around cannabis? Keep reading to discover where to hook up with weed in Bogota and how to partake in it.

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Cannabis Laws in Colombia

Hook up with weed is no longer considered illegal in Colombia, but they are subject to regulations. Efforts by Colombian law enforcement focus on reducing cocaine and cannabis use. When smoking in Medellin, caution is advised, particularly in outdoor settings. Individuals caught with small drug quantities might often resolve the situation by paying a small bribe to the police. However, possessing larger amounts can lead to severe consequences. Colombian police are known for corruption, especially when it comes to bribing tourists. Additionally, medical marijuana has been legalized in recent years.

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Where to Get Weed in Bogota

In Bogota, hook up with weed is readily accessible, and you’ll find offers almost everywhere. Making eye contact with locals often leads to offers of cannabis. Building connections with locals can further enhance your access to trustworthy sources if you plan to stay longer. This method often leads to accessing the finest weed in Bogota. However, exercising caution and avoiding carrying large amounts of money is always advisable.

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Cannabis Prices in Bogota

In Bogota, cannabis prices are relatively low compared to other regions, offering excellent value for quality. For around $30, you can typically obtain 25 grams of high-quality buds, ensuring a worthwhile purchase. Spending a bit more allows access to even better quality weed, promising an elevated experience.

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